What is The Minimum Taxi Fare in Marmaris 2024

taxi in marmaris

There has been a significant increase in taxi fares in Marmaris for the year 2024. All taxis in Marmaris and Turkey now impose a minimum fare of 100 Turkish lira, with the fare appearing as 10 TL on the meter before the journey begins.

The new taxi fare is;

Between0-5 KM30.00 TLper 1 km
Between6-15 KM27.00 TLper 1 km
Between16-30 KM23.00 TLper 1 km
Between31-50 KM21.00 TLper 1 km
Between51 KM and over20.00 TLper 1 km

Taxis in Marmaris are undoubtedly on the expensive side, especially for solo travelers. Those traveling alone may find it more cost-effective to opt for bus transportation within the resort and to other destinations.

It is important to note that all taxis in Turkey are equipped with meters, allowing passengers to track their expenses as they travel. While drivers may provide an estimated fare before the journey commences, the final amount will only be known upon reaching the destination. Additionally, the duration of the trip directly impacts the total cost, with longer rides resulting in higher fares.

Not long ago, every taxi rank in Marmaris and İçmeler displayed detailed price lists for various destinations. However, this summer, these price lists have become blank, potentially causing uncertainty for passengers regarding fare estimates.

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